Mani Ratnam directed Chekka Chivantha Vaanam (CCV) which hit the screens worldwide on September 27 has successfully completed 25 days theatrical run at the Box Office. The film opened to rave reviews from all quarters and has done phenomenal business at the Box Office as well. CCV has been declared a 'blockbuster' by the trade. The film has grossed Rs. 91+ crore worldwide.
Tamil Nadu - Rs. 47 cr
Domestic - Rs. 60.5 cr
Overseas - Rs. 30.7 cr
Total Worldwide Collection - Rs. 91.2 cr
The film has turned into a profitable venture in all territories expect Andhra Pradesh / Telangana where the film failed to make a mark at the Box Office. In Tamil Nadu, the film has earned a nett share estimated around Rs. 24 cr with the theatrical rights of the film sold for Rs. 18 cr. The film crossed $1 million mark at the USA Box office and grossed closed to $4.2 million at the overseas market.
Chekka Chivantha Vaanam is the third highest grossing film (worldwide) in Kollywood this year after Superstar Rajinikanth's Kaala and Suriya's Thaana Serntha Kootam (TSK).