Malayalam star actor Fahadh Faasil celebrates his 42nd birthday today, and marking the occassion, the makers of his upcoming Tamil movie Vettaiyan have unveiled a new still. Fahadh is seen alongside Vettaiyan lead actor Superstar Rajinikanth, and their co-star and Bollywood veteran Amitabh Bachchan.
Our Birthday Boy Fahadh Faasil 🥳 with the two pillars of Indian cinema, Superstar @rajinikanth & Shahenshah @SrBachchan 🤩 from the sets of #Vettaiyan 🕶️#HBDFahadhFaasil #FahadhFaasil #வேட்டையன் 🕶️
— Lyca Productions (@LycaProductions) August 8, 2024
#Vettaiyan 🔥🔥🔥#HBDFahadhFaasil 🤗🤗🤗
— Anirudh Ravichander (@anirudhofficial) August 8, 2024
Vettaiyan is Fahadh's fifth biggie in Tamil after Maamannan (2023), Vikram (2022), Super Deluxe (2019), and Velaikkaran (2017). A multi-starrer, Vettaiyan is written and directed by TJ Gnanavel of Jai Bhim (2021), Kootathil Oruthan (2017) fame.
The movie has Anirudh Ravichander for music, and is produced by Lyca Productions.