Vettaiyan starring Rajinikanth in the lead is an upcoming action drama, that marks the maiden collaboration of the Superstar with writer, director TJ Gnanavel of Jai Bhim (2021), Kootathil Oruthan (2017) fame. The movie is scheduled for a theatrical release this Diwali (official confirmation awaited), and makers Lyca Productions have now dropped an update on the film.
Actress Dushara Vijayan who is part of Vettaiyan's multi-starrer cast, has begun dubbing for the film, and the makers updated the same with three BTS stills of Dushara's from the dubbing studio.
Vettaiyan comes with an ensemble of Amitabh Bachchan, Fahadh Faasil, Rana Daggubati, Manju Warrier, Ritika Singh, Kishore, Rohini, Rao Ramesh, Shaji Chen, Ramesh Thilak, Rakshan, G. M. Sundar, among others. The movie has Anirudh Ravichander for music, SR Kathir for cinematography, and Philomin Raj for edits.