Agilan is an upcoming action drama thriller that is all set to premiere from 7 AM [IST] on March 10, 2023 in movie theaters. Actor Jayam Ravi plays the titular role in the movie, written and directed by N. Kalayana Krishnan while Priya Bhavani Shankar plays a cop and his onscreen pair.
Ahead of the film's release, Agilan's making video has been officially unveiled and it takes us behind-the-scenes of the harbour side story. Agilan has Sam CS for music and revolves around a crane operator/illegal trader, and his cat-and-mouse game with those on the other side of the law.
The U/A censored movie is produced by Screen Scene Media Entertainment and comes with a runtime of 2 hours 15 minutes 51 seconds. Also Read: Agilan FDFS, Plot, Censor, Runtime, OTT, Satellite, Cast & Crew / 5 Reasons To Watch Agilan