At Rs. 400 Cr Ponnyin Selvan in Top 3 Tamil movies with highest WW gross

PUBLISHED DATE : 12/Oct/2022

At Rs. 400 Cr Ponnyin Selvan in Top 3 Tamil movies with highest WW gross

Ponniyin Selvan: Part One aka PS-I has been on a box-office rampage and in addition to becoming the fastest to gross Rs. 100 Cr in Tamil Nadu, highest grossing Tamil movie in the USA and several other overseas regions, the movie is now among the top 3 Tamil films with highest worldwide gross. 

Tamil Films with Highest WW Gross

  1. 2.0 - Rs. 625 Cr+
  2. Ponniyin Selvan: Part One (PS-I) - Rs.  450 Cr+ [Officially Updated]
  3. Vikram - Rs. 426 Cr+


PS1 recently made Rs. 400 Cr+ in box-office collections and has thus entered the third position in the list of highest grossing direct Tamil films.  


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