Jayam Ravi starrer space adventure film Tik Tik Tik which hit the screens last Friday (June 22) has grossed Rs. 12.28 CR in Tamil Nadu in the opening weekend. The trend has been positive, with progressively better collections over the weekend. The film is doing good business due to positive word of mouth.
Opening weekend breakup
Friday – Rs. 3.15 cr
Saturday – Rs. 4.23 cr
Sunday – Rs. 4.90 cr
Total – Rs. 12.28 cr
The film marks Jayam Ravi’s biggest opening till date. Here's the list of his Top 5 highest grossing films (opening weekend).
Tik Tik Tik - Rs. 12.28cr
Miruthan - Rs. 10.66cr
Thani Oruvan - Rs. 10.50cr
Bogan - Rs.10.15cr
Bhooloham - Rs. 9.05cr
Directed by Shakthi Soundar Rajan, the film also stars Ramesh Thilaganathan, Nivetha Pethuraj, Jayaprakash, Vincent Asokan, Arjunan and Rethika Srinivas. The film is produced by Nemichand Jhabak.