Why Saguni works on audience

PUBLISHED DATE : 26/Jun/2012

Why Saguni works on audience

Why Saguni works on audience despite all the criticisms?

Even after media critics and fans have been "கழுவி கழுவி ஊத்திங்..." Saguni, the movie seems to have done well at A, B, C and overseas centers during the opening weekend. Some fans have made a mince-meat out of the movie claiming that Saguni is the worst ever movie one will ever witness in their lives. Some fans who have liked the movie are shy about coming out in the open and expressing their appreciation due to the huge negative wave against Saguni. For example, one of the video reviewers gave positive rating for the movie and his credibility was placed on the chopping block by the fans. Finally, the reviewer was brought down to his knees and had to apologize for giving glowing review for Saguni and promised that he will be careful next time. Well, how did Saguni succeed against such head-winds...


Public give half-hearted thumbs-up

General public who have been starved of commercial entertainer from big stars since Nanban/Vettai earlier this year have given half-hearted thumbs up for Saguni saying "You can watch it ONCE for Karthi-Santhanam scenes". This word-of-mouth is sufficiently positive enough to keep the movie afloat amidst all the negativity. 


Rajini and Kamal salvage the first half 

Rajini-Kamal scenes by Santhanam & Karthi have worked big time as witnessed by the response in the theatres. Santhanam continues to salvage another movie with due credit to Karthi for his equally well-timed counters and lead lines. The unit people have been supremely confident about the Rajini-Kamal track even at the time of shooting when we broke the news during November of last year. Interestingly, comedy scenes which normally don't work well when dubbed to another language has also worked this time as Telugu audience seems to be appreciating Santhanam's comedy.


Seasoned actors keep the audience engaged in the second half

What should have fell flat for its highly cliched oft-repeated political scenes in the second half were again saved by intelligent casting by director. The seasoned performers in extended cameo roles -- Prakash Raj, Kota Sreenivasa Rao, Nassar, Radhika, Roja, Kiran, and Anushka, Andrea in the first half ensure that audience don't take their minds off of the movie. 


If one can understand and accept the box office success of OKOK and Kalakalappu, it should not be a mystery to anybody why Saguni is now reaping the rewards for continuing to follow the 2012's success formula -- Comedy Sells.

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