High octane action thriller The Greatest of All Time starring Vijay in the lead is gearing up for a September 5 release in theaters worldwide. At this time, the makers have requested for 'no spoilers' about the movie, from those who would get to watch the movie at the early stages.
Talking to India Today, AGS Entertainment executive producer Archana Kalpathi said, "There are many surprises as per the screenplay’s demand. We have really underplayed it..We don’t want to give out any plot points or surprises..Try not to read all the spoilers. I’m confident that the film will have repeat audience as it has a lot of layers. But, when you see it for the first time without knowing the script, it will elevate the experience."
The Greatest of All Time director Venkat Prabhu on Wednesday, re-tweeted an image from the film's UK distributors, also making a no-spoiler appeal for the movie. The filmmaker also expressed his frustration over The GOAT spoilers in an interview recently where he said,
"I have given a lot of interviews (while promoting The Greatest Of All Time) and the first thing they (media) ask is 'What other surprise is there (in the movie)'. How would it be a surprise then when their question only is asked about it. So media has to change.
(If the question is) 'We heard about this surprise, is it true', how would I answer if its true or negative. I don't understand what kind of question is that...Why do we surprise the audience? Because the idea is to excite them. And this too only lasts till the first show. For an audience watching the second show, everything is spoiled, everything is revealed on YouTube.
Because they want to kill the surprise for the audience that wants to come to a theater and watch the film. That whole ideology is wrong. From the Thalapathy title card to the intro, everything is revealed. This is done to kill the excitement the other fan/audience would have about the movie.
People who do that aren't bothered about the audience experience, they only care about becoming famous (5 minutes of fame). They don't want to come in and enjoy the moment, enjoy the movie...Even if an audience doesn't want a spoiler, his (social media) feed would be filled with it, because he would have been searching for the movie till the film's release. This to me seems like a wrong concept."
Venkat Prabhu also did not take lightly to media houses breaking news scoops about movies in Tamil Cinema. "400-500 people work on a film set. If one of them is given a little amount of money, they would spill all details about the project that is going on. This is how the media have been buying 'breaking news'. It gives 'See how I break this surprise, let me see how you excite the audience if I spoil it beforehand'. This whole thought process is wrong.. There is no pride in being the first ones to spoil surprises."
Editor's Note: Tamil Cinema is a regional part of the Indian film industry. Despite movies being made on massive budgets like Rs. 380 Cr. in the case of The Greatest Of All Time, paperwork like non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are not in practice. This results in unintended leaks and spoilers while the project is in the making, much to the frustration of filmmakers, and most fans.