Actor Vishal's Irumbu Thirai which had earlier announced a release date, without getting TFPC clearance has now officially announced one. And as already declared, the film will indeed be hitting theatre screens on May 11, 2018. Joining Vishal's film in the box-office clash will be Arulnithi Tamilarasu starrer Iravukku Aayiram Kangal which is also hitting theatre screens on the same day.
Touted to be an action thriller, Iravukku Aayiram Kangal has been written and directed by Mu. Maran and also features Mahima Nambiar and Ajmal in prominent roles. Produced by Axess Film Factory, the movie has music by Vishal Chandrashekar, cinematography bh Aravinnd Singh and edits by San Laokesh.
Vishal's film on the other hand is directed by debutant P.S. Mithran and has Arjun playing a negative role in the film. The movie is touted to be a film on cyber terrorism and has Vishal playing an Army officer and Samantha playing a doctor in it. The technical crew of this film includes Yuvan Shankar Raja for the music, George C Williams for the camera and Reuben for the edits.