Trisha sends cease-and-desist to AV Raju! Karunas files police complaint!

PUBLISHED DATE : 22/Feb/2024

Trisha sends cease-and-desist to AV Raju! Karunas files police complaint!

Tamil star actress Trisha had on February 20, 2024 lashed out at the derogatory claims made by expelled AIADMK leader AV Raju, who claimed in the media that AIADMK politician G Venkatachalam had "asked for" Trisha, that actor, AIADMK politician Karunas "arranged for it" and that Trisha was paid Rs. 25 lakhs for the same. 



A few hours post Trisha's tweet, AV Raju uploaded an apology video and in true politician style blatantly denied that he ever spoke about the actress. "People on social media platforms have been spreading slander about me. I never told this news (about Trisha) to be spread anywhere, I never (told this news about Trisha) anywhere. I merely said that the news (about Trisha) was told a person involved (G Venkatachalam). I do not wish to take his name again, as I feel disgusted. Another thing, I never brought any type of criticism against her (Trisha). Even when I spoke about this news in other places, I never established any connection between me and her (Trisha). Me and him (G Venkatachalam) had hate towards each other politically. I never spoke about a film actress or anyone else at any point in time.  This is being projected wrongly and being shown everywhere. I do not know how."



Addressing the immediate backlash from Tamil director Cheran and FEFSI, AV Raju continued, "To film director Cheran and brother RK Selvamani (Key person in Film Employees Federation of South India aka FEFSI) and Trisha madam, my humble request - In the event of (my words) being hurtful of your sentiments, I extend my apologies through this social media platform." 


"I strongly condemn.. The law and the police should take appropriate action against this person who has defamed the film industry by name in public without any support...@VishalKOfficial @Karthi_Offl. I hope the actors union will take appropriate action and response." director Cheran on February 20, 2024


"Apart from Trisha, many actresses and actors were insulted in AV Raju's interview...We at the Film Employees Federation of South India strongly condemn such indecent and bawdry action" - signed RK Selvamani  (President) and BN Swaminathan (General Secretary) on February 20, 2024


To Tamil media news channels, AV Raju also said, "If I have to tell you what exactly happened, I had gone to Koovathur (the controversial place where AIADMK leaders weremade to stay post the demise of former Tamil Nadu Chief Minister J. Jayalaithaa, so that no separate alliances were formed and a unanimous next leader was chosen). What happened there was this (G) Venkatachalam said 'I want a beautiful girl like Trisha'. I did not speak about the subject of Trisha in any other context. This is being misinterpreted and spread...I am not someone who is of the status to speak such words...I had gone to meet (G Venkatachalam). When I had gone, he spoke like this jovially to me. This is not about Trisha. He (G Venkatachalam) said he wanted a young girl like Trisha. This doesn't mean I am speaking about actress Trisha." 



The wishy-washy follow-up statements from AV Raju after making such bold claims about actress Trisha and Karunas is now being met with legal action. While Karunas filed a police complaint against AV Raju on February 21, 2024, actress Trisha's legal team have sent a cease and desist, expecting a proper apology that is to be published in mainstream news channels within 24 hours of AV Raju receiving the notice. 


Actress Trisha shared the details of this cease-and-desist notice on Thursday i.e. February 22, 2024.


Details of Karunas' police complaint that the actor, politician filed on February 21, 2024: 

"I have been working as an actor and the founder of the Mukkulothor Pulipadai Party. I am also the Vice President of the South Indian Artistes Association. In this situation, on 19.02.2024 A.V. Raju has spread various false information and slanderous and untrue news against me in a private press interview.

Also, associating actress Trisha in it, he (AV Raju) has made an interview out of false news instead of the truth, for publicity. Even though there is no truth in it, the video has been shared by various parties and is now viral. 

Following this, they are spreading various untrue and false defamatory comments about me and Trisha on many YouTube channels. They have tarnished my name and reputation in the society with the false interview given without any evidence. 


I have been subject to severe upset because of the above untrue interview. Therefore, I humbly request you to take legal action against the concerned person (AV Raju) and the YouTube channels and issue an order to remove the video.”

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