Jailer, the highest grossing Tamil film of 2023 came with a viral Anirudh composition titled Hukum, and the song had incorporated a dialogue from the movie, making the line quite famous. Inga Naan Thaan Kingu, which translates to 'I am the only King here', famously uttered by Rajinikanth is now a new film title of actor Santhanam.
The first look of Inga Naan Thaan Kingu was unveiled by actor Kamal Haasan on his X page. A Gopuram Films production, Inga Naan Thaan Kingu is directed by Anand Narayan and has story, screenplay and dialogues by Ezhichur Aravindan.
The movie has completed shooting is scheduled to release in Summer, 2024. The technical crew of Inga Naan Thaan Kingu includes Imman for music, Om Narayan for cinematography, M Thiyagarajan for edits.
Debutant Priyalaya plays female lead in Inga Naan Thaan Kingu, which also has Thambi Ramaiah, the late Manobala, Muniskanth, Vivek Prasanna, Bala Saravanan, Maran, Cool Suresh among others in supporting roles.