Leo starring actor Vijay in the lead is an upcoming gangster action thriller that is all set to release in theaters on October 19, 2023. The Tamil film's IMAX release became one of the highly awaited highlights, ever since it was revealed that the movie has been shot using IMAX-certified cameras.
Ahimsa Entertainment, UK distributors of the movie have now confirmed that Leo is officially the first ever film of actor Vijay's to release on IMAX. List of other Indian DMR releases here.
There's big, there's bigger… and then there's #Thalapathy's FIRST EVER film on IMAX! UK, feel every moment of #LEO like never before. Ticket updates to follow.. 🔥🧊
— Ahimsa Entertainment (@ahimsafilms) September 17, 2023
And heads up — news from @7screenstudio is on its way.. konjam chill pannu maapi ❤️😌 pic.twitter.com/vqWdbYQq9H
Leo is written and directed by Lokesh Kanagaraj and produced by 7 Screen Studio. The multi-starrer has names like Sanjay Dutt, Trisha, Arjun Sarja, Priya Anand, Mansoor Ali Khan among others in it.