As is known, both the Tamil and Telugu versions of Tik Tik Tik (which is touted to be Indian's first space thriller) starring actor Jayam Ravi is due to release on June 22,2018. While the Telugu theatrical rights was with Sri Tirumala Tirupathi Venkateshwara Films (STTV), the theatrical rights for Tamil Nadu has been bagged by a company called Screen Scene and the same was updated by Jayam Ravi last night.
Happy to welcome #ScreenScene who have bought the TN Theatrical rights onboard our team #TikTikTikFromJune22 👍🏼👍🏼Congratulations & Best wishes!
— Jayam Ravi (@actor_jayamravi) May 29, 2018
Tik Tik Tik is produced by Nemichand Jhabak of Jhabak Movies and is directed by Shakthi Soundarajan. The film has Nivetha Pethuraj playing female lead and will see Jayam Ravi's son Aarav making his on-screen debut. The technical crew of this film includes Imman for music, S. Venkatesh for cinematography and Pradeep E Ragav for the edits.