After Maanaadu, director Venkat Prabhu is gearing up for the releasing of his next film titled Manmatha Leelai. The movie comes with the tagline 'A Venkat Prabhu Quickie' and is the filmmaker's 10th as director. An official glimpse of Manmatha Leelai was recently unveiled on Saregama Tamil's YouTube channel and today it was announced that the film will be releasing in theaters on April 1, 2022.
Manmatha Leelai stars Ashok Selvan, Samyukta Hegde, Riya Suman, Smruthi Venkat, Premgi Amaren among others and is produced by Rockfort Entertainment. The technical crew of this film includes Premgi Amaren for music, Thamizh A Azhagan for cinematography and Venkat Raajen for the edits.