Dada is an upcoming romantic comedy-drama written and directed by debutant Ganesh K Babu, and starring actors Kavin and Beast fame Aparna Das in the lead. The movie's teaser released earlier this month gave a glimpse into how the movie is themed around the root cause of all problems - one's father. Olympia Movies, producers of this film have announced that there will be an official update on the film at noon today and MovieCrow learns it is about the Dada's release date which is set as February 10, 2023.
🎊Big Announcement from us🎊
— Olympia Movies (@OlympiaMovies) January 23, 2023
@ 12:12pm today #DADA #DADAupdate @Kavin_m_0431 #Kavinfans
Also starring Bhagyaraj, Aishwarya Baskaran, VTV Ganesh, Pradeep Antony, Harish K, Fouziee among others, Dada has Ezhil Arasu K for cinematography, Jen Martin for music and Kathiresh Alagesan for edits. Think Music India holds the audio rights and Red Giant Movies is distributing the film in Tamil Nadu.
#DaDa Releasing in theatres on February 10th 🥳
— Olympia Movies (@OlympiaMovies) January 23, 2023
The tale of unconditional love, struggle, conflict !!#DadaFromFeb10th @Kavin_m_0431 @OlympiaMovies @ambethkumarmla @ganeshkbabu @RedGiantMovies_ @aparnaDasss @ungalKBhagyaraj @APVMaran @DoneChannel1