Post the box-office success of Maanaadu, director Venkat Prabhu was gearing up for the release of his adult comedy Manmatha Leelai today and morning shows of the movie also were booked in good numbers. However last minute financial issues, which is a regular occurrence in the Tamil film industry meant no KDM was delivered to theaters and the audience had to be sent back home.
While uncertainty loomed over if or not the afternoon shows were cancelled as well, director Venkat Prabhu has confirmed via his Twitter page that the KDM has been delivered and Manmadha Leelai matinee shows have begun.
History repeats!! And we wish the success too!!! KADAVUL IRRUKAAR !! Sorry about the morning shows!! #ManmamadhaLeelai is all yours from this matinee all over the WORLD!! Thank you for the love!! A small fun film made during the lockdown!! Hope u guys have fun!
— venkat prabhu (@vp_offl) April 1, 2022
Starring Ashok Selvan, Samyukta Hegde, Riya Suman, Smruthi Venkat, Premgi Amaren among others, Manmatha Leeli follows the story of a playboy before and after marriage. The movie is produced by Venkat Prabhu's Black Ticket Company and Rockfort Entertainment.