
New still of Vikram from Cobra is here!

PUBLISHED DATE | 24/Jul/2020

Fans of actor Vikram may be dejected that they may not get to see the teaser of Cobra anytime soon (director Ajay Gnanamuthu had made that clear more than once in recent times) but they were in for a treat today, as producers Seven Screen Studio unveiled a new still of Vikram. The actor was seen in one of the 7 different get-ups unveiled in the first look poster.


As confirmed by Cobra's costume designer Komal Shahani, Vikram will be seen in more than the 8 different looks unveiled of him from the film so-far (including the one in film's first single Thumbi Thullal).


A suspense thriller, Cobra is said to have the 'psychological factor' as the reason behind the different get-ups of Vikram in the film.  
