Lady Superstar Nayanthara has been ruling the TN Box Office for nearly 4 weeks by delivering back to back hits with Kolamaavu Kokila and Imaikka Nodigal. Kolamaavu Kokila which hit the screens on August 17 has won the hearts of the audience as well as the critics alike. The dark comedy film has successfully completed 25 days theatrical run at the Box Office and has made its entry into the fourth week.
The film has grossed Rs. 29 crore in Tamil Nadu. At the Chennai box office, the film has raked in Rs. 5.25 crore mark. CoCo has recorded the highest ever collection for a women-centric film in Tamil Nadu. Nayanthara has yet again proved that she means business and has been aptly called Lady Superstar. The film is already a 'blockbuster' and is still raking in the Moolah at the Box Office. The film is holding on at the 4th position at the Chennai Box Office this weekend continuing its steady run.
Kolamaavu Kokila directed by debutante Nelson Dilipkumar also stars Yogi Babu, Saranya Ponvannan, Jacqueline Fernandez in key roles. Music is by Anirudh. The film is produced by Lyca Productions.
Imaikka Nodigal which is doing good business at the Box Office has been declared a hit by the trade. With Siva Karthikeyan's Seema Raja hitting the screens on September 13, we need to wait and see how the film will perform in the coming days.