Basically a graphic overload and pain in the eye..Very badly executed movie by shankar(thought he was much better than this)
DONT TRY YOUR GRAPHIC MOVIES EVER AGAIN. I Got a head ache watching this movie
An excellent movie very well acted by Sathiaraj and sivakarthickeyan. Good acting and inspirational movie must watch, especially parents with daughters.
A political awareness movie...could have included more of yogi babu to make the movie more lively..AR music was amazing as usual.Vijay & keerthi dance and dialogues were good.Hyped up by political parties.
A good movie by Vijay.Worth watching it, i watched it 3 times because of the controversy. Found that it was a stupid and worthlesss controversy.The movie was good songs by AR Rahuman was awesome.Story was good.
Surprisingly a good show by Vishal.It was an informative movie and first of its kind in tamil cinema.Arjun is an excellent support actor, i think he should stick on to it. Overall and amazing movie worth watching for kids and adults.
Another disappointed from Rajini.He could have used this money for his Party work instead of taking the movie.First half was very slow music was bad after spending so much on a movie they could have got a decent movie director.
Overall a disappointment after Kabali.
One of the best ever acting of kamal hasan. After a long time it's nice to see an awesome acting from kamal. A must see movie gowthsmi's acting was good.
Basically a graphic overload and pain in the eye..Very badly executed movie by shankar(thought he was much better than this) DONT TRY YOUR GRAPHIC MOVIES EVER AGAIN. I Got a head ache watching this movie
An excellent movie very well acted by Sathiaraj and sivakarthickeyan. Good acting and inspirational movie must watch, especially parents with daughters.
A political awareness movie...could have included more of yogi babu to make the movie more lively..AR music was amazing as usual.Vijay & keerthi dance and dialogues were good.Hyped up by political parties.
slow movie could have been more faster...acting was good though.
A good mani Rathnam & ar combo movie, worth watching
A good movie with hilarious comedy and worth the time.
I Think Vickram should select his movies well.Not as good as the first part
An excellent story,especially for the farming in india.Romantic family movie
amazing true life story of Savithri. A must watch movie especially for the old timers..
A good movie by Vijay.Worth watching it, i watched it 3 times because of the controversy. Found that it was a stupid and worthlesss controversy.The movie was good songs by AR Rahuman was awesome.Story was good.
Surprisingly a good show by Vishal.It was an informative movie and first of its kind in tamil cinema.Arjun is an excellent support actor, i think he should stick on to it. Overall and amazing movie worth watching for kids and adults.
Another disappointed from Rajini.He could have used this money for his Party work instead of taking the movie.First half was very slow music was bad after spending so much on a movie they could have got a decent movie director. Overall a disappointment after Kabali.
An ancient story not very well brought out for the money spent on graphics. It could have been a better movie. Story good,acting good cast crew good.
One of the best ever acting of kamal hasan. After a long time it's nice to see an awesome acting from kamal. A must see movie gowthsmi's acting was good.
A below average movie with no story. Comedy was above average but the movie was bad.