Vijay Television Tamil channel has officially announced the new host of Bigg Boss Tamil Season 8, and it is none other than actor Vijay Sethupathi. Bigg Boss Tamil 8 is set to air from October 2024, and Vijay Sethupathi replaces star actor Kamal Haasan, who hosted the reality TV show for 7 seasons.
Taking to X on Wednesday, the new host of BB Tamil 8 Vijay Sethupathi wrote, "Excited to announce that I'll be hosting Big Boss! Join me on this thrilling journey!"
Excited to announce that I'll be hosting Big Boss! Join me on this thrilling journey! #VJStheBBhost @vijaytelevision @disneyplusHSTam #BiggBossTamilSeason8 #BiggBossTamil #BBT #BBTamilSeason8 #பிக்பாஸ் #VijayTelevision #Disneyplushotstartamil #VijayTV
— VijaySethupathi (@VijaySethuOffl) September 4, 2024
Vijay Sethupathi has previously hosted Master Chef India-Tamil, and Namma Ooru Hero, a reality chat show which put the spotlight on unsung heroes, on the Sun TV Tamil channel. Bigg Boss Tamil 8 is Vijay Sethupathi's debut stint with Vijay TV.