The Greatest of All Time (The GOAT) is an upcoming time travel action thriller starring Vijay in dual roles. The movie written and directed by Venkat Prabhu is scheduled to release in theaters on September 5, 2024. An official announcement on The GOAT's trailer release date was expected today, but instead AGS Entertainment has unveiled a new The Greatest of All Time poster.
Taking to X, Archana Kalpathi, the executive producer of The Greatest of All Time wrote, "I promised a Trailer launch date today. We are still working on bringing the best version to you. So here is a small treat for Waiting to see our #Thalapathy on screen very soon #ThalapathyFansForever #GOAT".
This latest poster of The Greatest of All Time features most of the cast together for the first time. Vijay in dual roles of the elderly father and the younger son, can be seen alongside actors Meenakshi Chaudhary, Sneha, Prashanth, Laila, Prabhu Deva, Jayaram, Mohan, Yogi Babu, Premgi, Ajmal Ameer, and Vaibhav.