Hit Tamil horror film Demonte Colony (2015) marked the debut of director Ajay Gnanamuthu, and had actor Arulnithi Tamilarasu playing the lead character of Srinivasan. 9 years later, this film is getting a sequel titled Demonte Colony 2 starring Arulnithi and Priya Bhavani Shankar in the lead. Demonte Colony 2 releases in theaters on August 15, 2024.
During the promotional leg of the sequel, actor Arulnithi has revealed that Ajay Gnanamuthu had plans of making till Part 4 with the Demonte Colony supernatural franchise. Revealing that his director took time in coming with a script for Demonte Colony 2, Arulnithi said,
"He (Ajay Gnanamuthu) called me one day and said he has a line to develop the script for Demonte Colony 2. He said the line can be extended till the fourth part..(He said) we will plan the other sequels based on the success of Part 2."
Arulnithi has also revealed that while his character Srinivasan is believed to be dead and become a ghost in Part 1, Ajay Gnanamuthu has a convincing connect with Part 1 for the sequel. The characters in Demonte Colony 2 too have a connect with the characters of the prequel.
Demonte Colony 2 is a production venture of BTG Universal, Gnanamuthu Pattarai, and Wild Nights Entertainment. Censored U/A , the movie comes with a runtime of 144.16 minutes. Demonte Colony 2 has Sam CS for music, and also stars Antti Jaaskelainen, Tsering Dorjee, Arunpandian, Muthukumar, Meenakshi Govindarajan, Sarjano Khalid, Archana Ravichandran.