A survival thriller film written and directed by Chidambaram, and produced by Parava Films, the mid-sized Manjummel Boys created history as the highest grossing Malayalam film of 2024. The movie that originally released in theaters on February 22, 2024, is now all set for a digital premiere on Disney Plus Hotstar.
Buzz has it that Manjummel Boys' OTT release date is May 3, 2024, and an official announcement on the same is currently awaited. Starring Soubin Shahir, Siju David, Sreenath Bhasi, Balu Varghese, Ganapathi, among others, Manjummel Boys comes with a runtime of 135 minutes.
The story revolves around a group of friends who face a string of unexpected misadventures, while on a vacation trip to Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu in India.