Director Prashanth Varma has recently confirmed the sequel to his multi-starrer film 'Awe' which released in 2018. The film which was a commercial success at the Box Office has won two National Awards for Best Special Effects and Best Make-up Artist.
In an interview to the Hyderabad Times, Prasanth Varma confirmed, “Yes, it is officially in the works. I’m ready with the script. We intend to take the Awe franchise forward with the sequel. Awe 2 is going to be completely different. The screenplay and storyline will be heavy and intriguing. Unlike part one, which had multiple stories running parallelly, this film will have just one story. But rest assured, this film will be a crazy experiment, something that has never been explored in Tollywood before.”
'Awe' is a psychological thriller produced by Nani and Prashanti Tipirneni. It had Kajal Aggarwal playing the main lead with Nithya Menen, Regina Cassandra, Eesha Rebba, Srinivas Avasarala, Priyadarshi Pullikonda and Murali Sharma in supporting roles. The film dealt with issues like child abuse, sexual abuse, drug abuse, and homosexuality.
Director Prashanth Varma has approached Kajal Agarwal who essayed the main lead in 'Awe' for the sequel too. Kajal has loved the story line and is working on her dates before signing the dotted line. Also, Kollywood actor Vijay Sethupathi has also been approached for a pivotal role. Vijay Sethupathi is making his Tollywood debut with Megastar Chiranjeevi's magnum-opus 'Sye Raa Narashimha Reddy'.