
Thronies react to Game of Thrones Finale & it is between Nostalgic, Overwhelmed & Dissatisfied!

PUBLISHED DATE | 20/May/2019


The US premiere of Game of Thrones Finale episode aired last night and if you haven't watched it, be advised that SPOILERS FOLLOW. The power play for the 'Iron Throne' has finally come to an end and the eight year story arc came to its finale with Season 8's 6th episode 'The Iron Throne'.

GOT Finale saw Drogon melting the Iron Throne, Jon killing Daenerys and being sent back to the Night Watch (sans the zombies), Arya leaving to explore 'West of Westeros', Sansa Stark ending up as the Queen of North and Bran Stark being named the King of all Kingdoms!

Loyal GOT fans (or Thronies as they are called) obviously took issue with the ending, as they have been this entire series but since it was the finale episode, some of them also reminisced on the past and how their favourite characters have lived with them. Here are some of their reactions:

And what is GOT Season 8, if there isn't a prop-placement blunder (remember the Coffee cup and Jamie's hand)

