Aditi Rao Hydari is making her debut in Tollywood with Sammohanam. Sudheer Babu plays the lead role. The film shooting has been wrapped and the post-production work is happening in full swing. Aditi Rao Hydari has started dubbing for her portions in the film. This is the first time she is dubbing her own voice in Telugu. Aditi Rao took to her Twitter account to share the news.
Throw me a challenge... 🤸♂️
— Aditi Rao Hydari (@aditiraohydari) May 16, 2018
Dubbing for my first film in a language that I don’t know... hope I can do it correctly and you’ll all be happy❤️
Working extra hard especially since I was born in Hyderabad... #Telugu #Debut #Sammohanam #Sameera
The film is written and directed by National Award Winning Filmmaker Mohana Krishna Indraganti. Sammohanam is a new age love story which explores the romantic attraction between two lovers. The film has music by Vivek Sagar and will be bankrolled by Sivalenka Krishna Prasad. PG Vinda is the cinematographer. It will hit the screens on June 15, 2018.