
Mersal producers team up with Dhanush for their next

PUBLISHED DATE | 18/Nov/2017

Mersal producers team up with Dhanush for their next

Hema Rukmani of Sri Thenandal Films, who very successfully produced Vijay's Mersal has announced that their banner will be next collaborating with actor Dhanush. Interestingly, she chose the date of Mersal's first official twitter announcement i.e. November 17, to tweet about Dhanush's film, only a year apart.

Latest Announcement 
Mersal Announcement

If one may recall, there were widespread speculations that Sri Thenandal Films will be producing Dhanush's film with director Karthik Subburaj. However, it is still not clear which project this official update is pointing towards. Keep watching this space for more details on this team up.
