
Thozha Review - Emotional Rollercoaster

PUBLISHED DATE | 25/Mar/2016

Thozha Review  – Emotional Rollercoaster!!! 

Bharath Vijayakumar

A ‘Tamil- Telugu’ bilingual is often highly suspected of a dubbed film masquerading as a bilingual. In these days when lip sync is a casualty for heroines and villains even in straight films it is indeed quite refreshing to see a proper bilingual in Thozha.



A beautiful bond develops between two unlikely individuals who are at the extreme ends of the society. Their problems are different but the solution is the same – unconditional love.



Easily his best performance in recent times Karthi delivers the goods with aplomb. These instantly likeable characters on paper could sometimes be made a caricature on screen if the actor playing them does not get his threshold right. Karthi is almost exactly resonant with the frequency that is needed for the character. He is fun loving and easy going. But it is all done with a certain restraint without being overtly subdued as well. Nagarjuna is very good as the billionaire bound to the wheelchair. Appearing throughout the film and emoting only through the face is a different ball game altogether. Most refreshing is the fact that this constraint has not resulted in the actor trying to express more than what is needed. His dubbing does have a certain accent. But this actually works for the character. He is a billionaire who has been roaming the world and the lack of fluency looks the part. Tamanna looks at her ravishing best.



The film creates an emotional impact. There are some wonderful moments spaced throughout the film.  Hearty laughs for the most part with a tinge of moisture in your eyes at times, Thozha is a neat product from Vamsi. He has got the casting spot on and kudos for getting the best out of his actors. The camaraderie between the actors is very apparent. The melodrama (bare minimum), whenever it occurs is likeable and not repulsive. All the points that the film wants to make about love, it does through scenes. There is never a long monologue to drive this home.

The songs do not work. All the good things that happen to the characters also seem too easy at times. There is definitely some flab which could have been done away with. But running close to 3 hours there is never a stretch that has you fuming or even disinterested. The film has too many good looking people. Even cameos are played by actors looking sensual. While this makes for good viewing purely as a feel good entertainer there is this little alienation we feel in this 3 hour drama as a result of this.



With neat performances from the lead cast Thozha provides some very good moments. Excuse some flab and this film definitely strikes some chord.


Rating: 3/5
