
Opportunities Shankar Missed in Nanban

PUBLISHED DATE | 21/Jan/2012

5 Things Shankar could have fixed in Nanban

(Visitor Inputs from S.Arun)

It is not clear why Shankar felt obliged to replicate frame-by-frame from the original film. While it is common in Shankar films to have scenes which require you to suspend your disbelief, seeing those again in a movie like Nanban stick out like a sore thumb. He had the opportunity to make these things better without having to mess around with the pristine script.  But, Shankar failed to do so in his remade version, Nanban:


  • When the three friends go to Senthil’s (Jeeva) house for dinner. Everything just seemed fine until a scene where his mother uses the roller to rub an old man's chest and uses the same to make chapattis! This is a scene which was bad in Hindi and disgusting in Tamil. I am surprised to see Shankar decided to repeat this scene again in Tamil. After such a gag-inducing scene, it is difficult to feel a thing for Jiiva's sense of commitment towards his family as the chest-hair stuck to the chappathi roller-pin kept crossing the mind.


  • Showing Jiiva's sister with extra dose of darkness and the dialogues equating dark skin to ugliness is again of bad taste. Shankar earlier made a caricature out of 2 dark skinned girls in "Sivaji". The ugly rascist in Shankar pops up again in Nanban.


  • Though the opening scene where Srikanth’s character feigns a heart attack and escapes out of the airport is meant to be funny, it is not logical. In the current world of heightened terrorism, I request none of the fans to attempt such a thing. It is a sure-fire way to get you behind the bars promptly.


  • Rakesh (Ileana's would-be) is a poor casting decision. The character stood out from rest of the family and didn't gel well. It brings up a question as why a model-figure person like Ileana marry a goof-ball even after so many years.


  • Shankar did not try to make the wedding scenes fit for Tamil audience. Shankar missed these important scenes where he could have easily added required nativity touches to the movie without losing any impact.
