Jawan is an upcoming Shah Rukh Khan starrer that marks the Bollywood debut of not just film's director Atlee but also movie's music composer Anirudh Ravichander. Anirudh has previously composed singles for Hindi films like David (2013) and Jersey (2022) but Jawan is his first full-fledged Hindi film album. Music label T-series recently acquired the audio rights of Jawan, and reportedly for a whopping price of Rs. 36 Cr.
This music label deal is said to be made on the highest price ever for any Indian film. Shah Rukh Khan's resurgence with Pathan this year is said to be a major factor behind the deal, as well as the fact that the actor's production company Red Chillies Entertainment is releasing the movie in two other languages - Tamil, Telugu besides Hindi.
Written and directed by Atlee, Jawan also stars Nayanthara, Vijay Sethupathi, Priya Mani, Sanya Malhotra, Deepika Padukone (cameo), Vijay (cameo), Sanjay Dutt (cameo) among others. The movie is scheduled to release in theaters worldwide on September 7, 2023.