
Famous Bollywood Singer Tests Positive For Corona After Throwing a Party for 100!

PUBLISHED DATE | 20/Mar/2020

As India religiously fights against the Corona COVID-19 outbreak, a shocking development has surfaced that famous Bollywood singer Kanika Kapoor, known for hits like Baby Doll, Kamlee, Chittiyaan Kalaiyaan, Nachan Farate, etc has tested positive for the virus.


But what has shocked the nation is not the singer testing positive but the way she is reported to have irresponsibly handled the situation. It had been confirmed by leading news channels that Kanika Kapoor returned from the UK on Sunday but instead of going through air-port screening at Lucknow, she is said to have evaded the process by hiding her travel history from the airport authorities.



It is also being reported that upon return, Kapoor chose to stay in a 5 star hotel at Lucknow instead of self-quarantining and went on to throw a dinner party with atleast a 100 people in attendance. While the nation seems to be enraged at this behaviour (reference above), Kanika on the other hand has let out a statement that reads,


For the past 4 days I have had signs of flu, I got myself tested and it came positive for Covid-19. My family and I are in complete quarantine now and following medical advice on how to move forward. Contact mapping of people I have been in touch with is underway as well. At this stage I would like to urge you all to practice self isolation and get tested if you have the signs.


I am feeling ok, like a normal flu and a mild fever, however we need to be sensible citizens at this time and think of all around us. We can get through this without panic only if we listen to the experts and our local, state and central government directives. Wishing everyone good health. Jai Hind !Take care,” 
