
Dhanusu Raasi Neyargale review

PUBLISHED DATE | 06/Dec/2019

Dhanusu Raasi Neyargale review



Harish Kalyan’s next outing Dhanusu Raasi Neyargale with debut director Sanjay Bharathi, is the astrology based romantic comedy also starring Digangana and Reba Monica John in lead roles. Having a backdrop featuring the various astrological beliefs of Tamil people, this is an out and out attempt at a rom-com with limited characters. How has this attempt fared for its audiences?



Though touted to have a lot of importance for astrology and astronomy, a large part of Dhanusu Raasi Neyargale falls under the usual commercial template for the regular audiences. Harish plays a guy who is addicted to superstitious beliefs and is someone who cannot do away with his planetary positions and his horoscope. He sets out to find the girl of his life with the help of various astrologers and his uncle played by Muneeskanth. The two of them eventually leave for Harish’s ex (Reba’s) wedding at Bangalore. Whom he meets there and how this changes his life forms the rest of the story.



As for the casting, Harish Kalyan does a decent job of his character and seems quite seasoned. Reba too does a fair job so as Muneeskanth and Charlie. However it is Digangana’s role that seems like the weak nail in the coffin, as her dubbing sync and expressions do not seem impressive enough for the meaty role that she has been given.



Dhanusu Raasi Neyargale has a template intro song (I want a girl) sung by Anirudh, the hero meeting heroine moment and sparks between them. Since none of these proceedings are anything new to us, it is quite challenging to write scenes that would keep the watcher engrossed. That is exactly the issue in portions of the first half as the sequences do not seem too fresh. The introduction of the characters are pretty neat and some of the one-liners work here and there.



A couple of noteworthy scenes include the telescope scene between Harish and Digangana and the pre-climax portions that have some mother-son emotions to hold the audience. But apart from these parts, a large part of the entire film falls flat and there seems barely an impactful writing. If for a slightly less guessable screenplay, maybe the romantic comedy genre would have worked better to aid the astrological backdrop. Even Ghibran’s music does not take off to his usual best peaks. The intro song is impressive but post that, the visuals and the music are not very extraordinary.


In films that have a usual plotline, the edit pattern is extremely important to save scenes that would otherwise be typically ones that we are used to. The edit department alongside the writing sector could have had a better clarity in conveying their scenes and an interesting cut might have spiced up the film. Though there aren’t many flaws as such in the plot, there is no spice to keep you guessing and craving.


Raiza’s short cameo in the latter half and Mayilsamy’s bathroom scene may evoke humour among audiences. But on the whole, a lot more could have been worked out from this Dhanusu Raasi team, that had the underlying message that you must believe in yourself and not your stars alone. A relevant message that could have had a more convincing and entertaining set of sequences!

Bottomline: A usual rom-com that could have had a better play using its superstitious sentiments.



Critic Rating: 2.25/5
