Kangana Ranaut starrer Manikarnika: The Queen of Jhansi, featuring the actress as Rani Laxmi Bai is gearing up for a worldwide release on January 25, 2019 and it has now been revealed that the film teaser's will be unveiled on Gandhi Jayanti i.e. October 2, 2018. The movie which is a period drama went through plenty of obstacles to reach here which included actors dropping out and Kanagana taking over the reigns as co-director.
Over the teaser release announcement, Kangana was quoted to have said, "I am proud of this film, and of portraying a character who empowers & inspires. We have put in our heart, blood and sweat into making this film. Manikarnika will make every Indian Proud. I am ecstatic to showcase the teaser to everyone on the special occasion of Gandhi Jayanti"