The shoot of Nithin's new film "Srinivasa Kalyanam" has begun. The makers had released a motion poster announced the launch of the project. Nithin and Raashi Khanna of "Tholi Prema" fame play the lead roles. Nandita Swetha and Prakash Raj play pivotal roles.
AND the Journey Begins..
— nithiin (@actor_nithiin) March 4, 2018
Very excited bout this film❤️❤️
Motion poster wil b coming out in an hour!!stay tuned guys🤗🤗#dilraju #satishvegesna @RaashiKhanna @mickeyjmeyer #SrinivasaKalyanam
The film is directed by Vegesna Satish and produced by Dil Raju and Shirish. The technical crew includes Mickey J Meyer for music, Sameer Reddy for handling the camera and Madhu for the edits.
A new journey begins! Need all your blessings.. 😇 #SrinivasaKalyanam
— Raashi Khanna (@RaashiKhanna) March 4, 2018