Sonna Puriyadhu (U)
26/Jul/2013 Comedy, Drama

Sonna Puriyadhu

Critics Review


The film works in bits and pieces, but fails to entertain the audience throughout!

Debutante director Krishnan Jayaraj starts off well in the first half with some wholesome packaging that suits Shiva(more)

Source: Raven, MovieCrow


Few gags in typical Shiva style

In all, though Sonna Puriyathu really peters out towards the end, if you are a fan of Shiva's brand of comedy, it might just be the movie for you this weekend. (more)

Source: Behindwoods Review Board,


Sonna Puriyathu - works Understooooood! Only Shiva!

Krishna has to go a long way in making a movie that will make the audience understand, he could've given some core elements that stick the movie together. (more)

Source: Editorial Board,


Below Average

Debutant director Krishnan Jayaraj's Sonna Puriyathu simply falls flat due to lack of story and corny jokes. The second half drags big time and ending you can predict in the beginning itself.(more)

Source: Editorial Board,