Synopsis/Plot : The romantic entertainer, A husband tries to win the love of his wife, who marries him because of familial obligation.
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Critics Review
Decent Entertainer Laced With Relatable Emotions!
Familiar storyline executed carefully by offering refreshing elements both in writing and treatment. Fun first half followe(more)
Source: Ashwin Ram, MovieCrow
Falters at being a romantic film with a lead pair to root for
Romeo falters at being a romantic film with a lead pair to root for. It tries to be both Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and Kaavalan but imbibes the illogicality of those films rather than its conviction.(more)
Source: Roopa, Times Of India
Impressive performances elevate this all-too-familiar story
Romeo is certainly flawed, just like the namesake character from Shakespeare�s classic. Its derivative nature cuts down on our intrigue of �Will they, won�t they.� Yet, it tries to bring in some originality with portions like Arivu�s childhood trauma. While the story is familiar, Vinayak Vathianatha...(more)
Source: Jayabhuvaneshwari B ,
Vijay Antony and Mirnalini Ravi Shines in this Captivating Romantic Drama
"Romeo" offers a refreshing take on romance with engaging performances and an intriguing storyline, making it a must-watch.(more)
Source: Indiaglitz,