Edakkad Battalion 06 (U/A)
18/Oct/2019 Action, Drama 1hr 51mins

Edakkad Battalion 06

Critics Review


A Vaguely Written Action Drama

The film do have interesting set of characters. Like that of a gossiping old woman who would do anything to sneak a puff of cigarette.. Like a father who suffers a late-life existential crisis when he realizes he no longer knows how to cook Biryani in gas stoves.. He calls his wife 'Member'. There are also a bunch of boys who sit in a bridge culvert, do and sell band-aid drugs. These shades are innovatively branched out. But nothing comes together. (more)

Source: Suhansid Srikanth, MovieCrow


A force-fed lesson in valour

Edakkad Battalion 06 comes as a widely stretched out tribute to the brave martyrs of the land. The gravity and effect of martyrdom plays out in the last 10 minutes of the movie, which by by far the only part that manages to incite an emotion. Whether one would want to brave an hour an a half of a film for the last fifteen minutes of an emotional message is a very personal choice.(more)

Source: Deepa Soman, Times Of India