Mahabalipuram (U)
13/Mar/2015 1 Hrs 50 Mins

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The film wants to bring to light a very pertinent and timely issue. The misuse of technology to please the voyeuristic instincts and the precaution that is the need of the hour is what the film wants to emphasize or this is what we assume. But this is driven home during the end credits and in one i...(more)

Source: Bharath Vijayakumar, MovieCrow


A ride that takes time to start

With a good script in hand, the big question to the director would be why get confused on so many elements. Too many dialogues are just dramatic and are placed for the sake of it especially in the first half. The editing is as bad as the screenplay in the first half, doesn�t stick well. (more)

Source: Editorial board,


A Poorly Crafted Drama

The movie moves at a sluggish pace. Screenplay in the first half is a huge let down as it punishes the audience with cliched scenes and poor romantic sequences. (more)

Source: Avinash Gopinath, One India


A Subramaniyapuram wannabe that�s just crude melodrama

The quick way to sum up Mahabalipuram is that it�s a veritable how-not-to manual. How not to write characters. (A thus-far decent-ish bloke suddenly becomes a rapist.) How not to develop convincing situations. (One moment, the heroine is angry with the hero because he tried to feel her up in a movie...(more)

Source: Baradwaj Rangan, The Hindu



The problem with Mahabalipuram is that the director finds it really difficult to portray friendship and romance in a believable manner, most of the time he has tried to convey it through dramatically written dialogues which is exactly opposite to the progressive new age Tamil cinema. Also, there is...(more)

Source: Movie buzz,


Movie Review

The film, through a touching love story, highlights not just dangerous crimes that prevail in society today but also seeks to draw the attention of the public in general and women in particular to a serious problem posed by tech-savvy criminals. It makes an honest attempt to delve into the minds of ...(more)

Source: M. Suganth, Times Of India