
Thakka Thakka Review - Meandering Screenplay

PUBLISHED DATE | 29/Aug/2015

Thakka Thakka - Meandering Screenplay!

Bharath Vijayakumar

A broody action drama is what often catapults an aspiring star into the bigger league. Does Thakka Thakka have enough in it to give the much needed fillip to Vikranth?



An orphan with a troubled past finds solace in friendship. But fate has other ideas and it all has to end in a bloodbath.



Vikranth does an average job. His agility comes to the aid in the stunt sequences. But there is definitely scope for a lot of improvement when it comes to emoting. We take sometime to get accustomed to the actor who plays his friend. But he grows on us with innocence written all over his face. Apart from Bose Venkat the rest of the supporting cast is quite ordinary. The poor lip sync does not help. More worrisome is that some of the scenes have them emoting either with a stone face or an appalling reaction.



The film starts off showing the dark underbelly of forced sex trade. These portions are disturbing but what they fail in doing is to move you. You show something gory or make people whine and it disturbs.But to have an emotional connect the staging and the acting have to be good. This is where Thaakka Thaakka looses a lot of steam. The screenplay too meanders a lot in the first half. You pretty much know what is in store for the two friends. But the proceedings are anything but interesting.The second half does manage to keep things afloat. When Vikranth can single-handedly beat the pulp out of everyone in the climax it perplexes you on what was the fuss all about so long. This could have been very done before all the damage in his life.



Thakka Thakka shows urgency and tension in parts. But it is nowhere close to the hard hitting revenge saga that it aspires to be.

Rating: 2.25/5
