Review of Brothers: Insipid and Messy

PUBLISHED DATE : 14/Aug/2015

Review of Brothers:  Insipid and Messy

Review of Brothers: Insipid and Messy

Ameet Bhuvan

While Bollywood has learnt to officially remake hollywood flicks instead of just shamelessly ripping them off, we still are miles and years away from creating sensible indianised versions of these. Brothers, a remake of Warrior, is a messy affair that just does not engage at any level.


Garson Fernandes (Jackie Shroff) is a drunkard acoholic street fighter (two films this year, Bombay Velvet and now this show this mythical game/sport in Mumbai one wonders why) who has a son David. He also has an illegitamate son Monty whom he brings into the house after his wife dies (but ofcourse). David and Monty get along well, untill Garson gets into a jail. Garson gets out old grey and sober. David and Monty do not see eye to eye anymore. David's daughter need money for medical condition and as always is the case the only way he can get that money is by street fighting. Only, this time he has to face his own brother as an opponent.


Akshay Kumar as David the elder brother, and father, is the heart and spine of this weak insipid film. He looks the part, acts the part and puts in a sincere effort (something he has been doing a lot of late, remember Baby?). All of this though is brought to nought by the utterly espressionless Siddharth as Monty and the hamming express that Jackie has become. Both of them are irritating in the way their characters are written, developed and shown, added to the mix is their abysmal acting chops. Jaqueline is in there somehwere flashing a smile here, rolling a tear drop there, basically trying to (unsuccessfully) distract you from the utter train wreck this film is.


The mess doesnt end here. With motivational lines like "you have got to fight" finding their way in for actual support and boost during fight scenes, weird ear rings and beards on faces that already are odd, and at the core of it all a street fight championship R2F that has no sense logic or existence in anything remotely real- e it is almost like the director willingly sabotaged his own chances.

A mangled plot, weak screenplay and absurd dialogues make this film very difficult to sit through without yawning. Production values and scale is grand, but there is absolutely nothing that connects to you. Watch this if you have to.


Rating: 2/5

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