Aamir Khan learns wrestling moves for Dangal

PUBLISHED DATE : 01/Jun/2015

Aamir Khan learns wrestling moves for Dangal

Aamir Khan learns wrestling moves for Dangal

Aamir Khan is gearing up to play a wrestler in his upcoming film "Dangal". The actor who is known to get into the skin of his character has been undergoing intense wrestling training for his role. He has also beefed up his physique for the role of a wrestler.



Recently the 'PK' actor has learnt a new move called 'Dhobi Pachad'. Aamir was busy learning the move and was very happy that he finally understood the tactics behind the move. Aamir was quite determined to get the move right. He is very proud that he got it correct after rigorous training and practice. Aamir has been practising this particular move for the last 10 days.

aamir khan

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