
Appuchi Gramam Review - Worth a Visit

PUBLISHED DATE | 15/Nov/2014

Appuchi Gramam  – Worth a Visit
Bharath Vijayakumar

Plot: Appuchi Gramam is essentially a film about the people of the village by the same name. While the backdrop is a science fiction with an impending danger of a meteorite that is to strike the earth the film concentrates more on the lives of the people inhabiting this village.



Packed with very few well known faces the actors of the film have kept it simple. Even towards the end when you expect emotions to run high with danger looming large, the acting is sort of restrained. While this works well on a certain level it must also be said we never really feel the enormity of the situation at hand.



The film has a neat look and feel about it. The scenes involving the meteorites are presented well enough despite the obvious budget constraints. Music by Vishal Chandrasekar offers a pleasant listen and even the last thiruvizha song saves us from the din that we are usually subjected to. 


Vi Anand has tried something new and even if you judge it very strictly the film has definitely achieved at least most of what it might have intended to. One aspect that the makers could have probably concentrated more on is the impact the various characters have on us. While almost no single character annoys you, it must also be said that no character actually makes you invest your time on him or her. The film is neither too light hearted nor high on emotions and hence the connect with the characters is missing. The sequence after the climax which looks like an afterthought to signal a sequel definitely sticks out. While you were fine with science fiction actually taking a backseat for most of the film this couple of minutes at the end definitely looked like an identity crisis on the part of the makers.      



A welcome attempt that deserves our attention and proves that big thoughts need not always require big budgets.


