Megastar Chiranjeevi's period drama 'SyeRaa Narasimha Reddy' directed by Surrender Reddy hit thescreens worldwide on October 2. The magnum opus made on a mammoth budget of Rs 200 crore has opened to positive reviews. The film which has been dubbed in Tamil, Hindi, Kannada and Malayalam is performing well in Telugu states and Overseas market compared to other versions.
The historic film has grossed Rs. 185 cr worldwide. In Telugu states, the film has minted a share of Rs. 84 cr in its first week surpassing the lifetime collection of Saaho which minted Rs. 83+ cr in Andhra Pradesh / Telangana. Also Sye Raa has surpassed the lifetime collection of all Telugu films except Baahuabali 1, 2 and Ram Charan's Rangasthalam. Sye Raa is now the fourth highest grossing Telugu film worldwide.
Megastar's film has grossed around Rs. 123 - Rs. 125 cr in Telugu states. With the film's pre-release business done at Rs. 110 cr, SyeRaa has recovered 76% of its investments in AP / TG.
In the US, the film has crossed $2 million mark in seven days. It has collected $2,146K in its first week. Sye Raa marks Chirajneevi's second film to have achieved this feat in USA after Khaidi No 150. In Australia, the film has grossed A$386K [Rs. 1.85cr] in its first week and has emerged as All Time 5th Highest Grossing Telugu film in Australia.
With the Dasara holidays coming to an end, the film's performance in the coming days is crucial to recover from its investments and turn out to be a profitable venture for all the stakeholders.