It's a wrap for Akshay Kumar's much awaited film "Kesari", based on the Battle of Saragarhi, will arrive in cinema halls on March 21, 2019. Directed by Anurag Singh and the story is about Havildar Ishar Singh who participates in the Battle of Saragarhi, which saw 21 valiant soldiers from the Sikh regiment losing their lives, while wanting to earn the respect of his estranged daughter. Akshay Kumar plays the role of Havaldar Ishar Singh. Akshay Kumar shared the news on posted on social media.
And it’s a wrap for #Kesari...a film which swells up my chest with immense pride. See you in cinemas on 21st March,2019.@ParineetiChopra @karanjohar @apoorvamehta18 @SinghAnurag79 @SunirKheterpal #CapeOfGoodFilms @dharmamovies @iAmAzure @ZeeStudios_
— Akshay Kumar (@akshaykumar) December 17, 2018
Parineeti Chopra, who plays the female lead in Kesari, shared her first look from the film on Twitter.
Anytime I watched a war movie, it was the love story of those brave men that kept me proud to be a part of this epic experience!!! Thank you Akshay sir, Kjo & Anurag sir for allowing me to be a part of your vision. (1/2)
— Parineeti Chopra (@ParineetiChopra) December 17, 2018
The movie is produced by Cape of Good Hope Films and Karan Johar's Dharma Productions.