
Supreme Court orders mandatory airing of the National Anthem in movie theatres

PUBLISHED DATE | 30/Nov/2016

Supreme Court orders mandatory airing of the National Anthem in movie theatres

The Indian movie industry is coping with the after-effects of demonetisation, with many completed movies still struggling to place themselves for a commercially viable release. While this seems to be a task in itself, earlier today, the movie industry faced an unexpected blow again, in the form of a supreme court order. In a directive to the Government of India, the supreme court has ordered that India's national anthem must be played in all cinema halls before a movie starts. It also states that the anthem must be accompanied with an image of the tricolour on the silver screen.

The order which is expected to come into force in 10 days' time, has had mixed reactions from the people of the industry and otherwise. Here's a look at some of the interesting response collected from the twitterverse:
