Kunjiramayanam (U)
28/Aug/2015 Comedy, Drama


Critics Review


Kunjiramayanam is enjoyable

Kunjiramayanam could be termed an experiment of sorts and the director has managed to convey a simple storyline without much fuss.It is a small film but has life in it.It is recommended for a detached viewing without too much scepticism.(more)

Source: RajVikram, Metromatinee.com


Sreenivasan brothers fight it out

Kunjiramayanam is an entertaining film for sure, definitely one that belongs to the not-to-be-missed category.Give your intellectual part a break and let Kunjiramayanam unfold. It is one good shot in the rom-com genre with a pinch of fantasy elements.(more)

Source: Litty Simon, manoramaonline


Kunjiramayanam does not belong to the serious class of cinema but an experimental entertainer which almost succeeds.

Basil Joseph gives a good presentation to the writing. The fun is sort of dramatic and the movie doesn't have any dull phase. The numerous characters in the story definitely create a little bit of confusion. But as I said, there is a good layer of fun that keeps the movie lively.(more)

Source: Abilash Kiran, onlookersmedia