Trisha Leda Nayanathara
05/Nov/2015 Love, Romance

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Trisha Leda Nayanathara
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Critics Review


Silly Adult comedy

As the concept of the film is adult comedy, it will be liked only by a certain section of the audience. One of the biggest drawbacks of the film is its nativity. Right from the beginning, the film has a complete Tamil flavor and does not sink with Tollywood standards. Story, narration and second hal...(more)

Source: 123 Telugu team,


Holiness of male bias

Just when you think the movie should step into a funnier zone post the intermission, you see a family-entertainer material in the making, a fact that you hardly buy for a film of this nature. Simran looking old for her age, playing a love guru in this segment especially is the worst hit. She tries t...(more)

Source: Srivathsan Nadadhur, The Hindu