100 Days Of Love (U)
20/Mar/2015 Love, Drama

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100 Days of Love
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The film is a delightful watch.

In yet another movie set in Bengaluru, 100 Days of Love is a stylish film that is nothing out of the ordinary. What is different is the treatment - humour and novelties - the director brings to table that is clever enough to keep us engaged till the last frame. A feature writer, who is fired from h...(more)

Source: Deepa Soman, Times Of India


100 Days Of Metro Love

The scripts by the director is very mediocre and proceeds in a lackadaisical pace and manner for the first forty minutes. The arrival of Aju Varghese is a breather and the movie falls on track. The later half has clich�s galore and sequences that reminds you of the earlier films from the same star...(more)

Source: IndiaGlitz , IndiaGlitz.com


100 Days of Love has the ingredients to look fabulous, but it barely makes use of it all. If you are a hardcore Dulquer Salmaan fan, go for it.

The film never makes any impact whatsoever, apart from the good looks of the lead pair. It's a hotchpotch of usual sequences that we have seen in most love stories and it is as energizing as having a hot cup of coffee, sans sugar. It's fine if your doctor wanted you to, but never otherwise.(more)

Source: movie buzz, Sify.com